sagger result

29 11 2008


I do not have many sagger pieces but Tuan Yong and Siew Kuan do. The sagger pieces are so beautiful. We are currently busy with the technical analysis so I will only show here a picture on Tuan Yong’s sagger fired pots. Notice the fired straws hugging the pots. You can compare it with the picture in my earlier post. 

Last week after unpacking, I had been asked why we put the clay pieces in a flower pot? The technical term is ‘sagger’. Please type ‘sagger’ in the search at the sidebar. Otherwise, this is the extract:

“A sagger is a container made from refractory clay in which a pot is placed inside the container before it is fired. In ancient practice, saggers were used to protect greenware from the ash-filled kiln environment but interestingly nowadays, a pot is placed within sagger that are filled with combustibles and chemicals or oxides in order to achieve surface effects.”



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